California Amplitudes Meeting 2025

California Amplitudes Meeting

QMAP, UC Davis, May 31 - June 1, 2025

The meeting will be held in the space of the Center for Quantum Mathematics and Physics (QMAP). The focus is on various topic in scattering amplitudes and recent developments. It is mainly aimed at researchers located in California.


All talks will be in the QMAP seminar room (3rd floor). Lunches and coffee breaks will be in the kitchen area on the 2nd floor. Saturday afternoon is devoted to discussions. There is free evening on Saturday (we will then go for dinner at 6:00pm in downtown Davis in multiple groups). The QMAP doors are closed on the weekends - Taro and Umut will open them for participants in the morning. If you are coming late or need to come back during the day, then call/text Taro (617-953-7193) or Umut (510-396-9794).


The workshop starts on Saturday, April 19 at 10:30am with the welcome and the first talk. We will be around since 9:30am to welcome people, breakfast and coffee will be also available. Same on Sunday morning (though talks start 10am then). The workshop will end on Sunday, April 20, 2:00pm after the lunch. All talks are 25+5 minutes, the gong show talks are shorter (length TBD).

Saturday  Sunday 
9:30-10:30Breakfast 9:30-10:00Breakfast
10:30Welcome 10:00-10:30Talk
10:30-11:00Talk 10:30-11:00Talk
11:00-11:30Coffee 11:00-11:30Coffee
11:30-12:00Talk 11:30-12:00Talk
12:00-12:30Talk 12:00-12:30Talk
12:30-2:00Lunch 12:30-2:00Lunch
2:00-3:30Gong show   
3:30-5:30Discussion + Coffee   

Gong show:


List of participants: