QMAP presents several events through the year which aim to explain the fascinating science we explore to a broad audience. To subscribe to our mailing list of upcoming events please visit: QMAP-Friends.
The lectures will be on a wide range of topics of current research interest. Details of upcoming and past lectures can be found below:
Also, check here for our informal QMAP Q&A events
Upcoming talks
Watch this space for future talks
Past talks
The physics department Public talks on Picnic Day 2019 will feature a talks by QMAP faculty:
Venue: Roessler Hall 55
Date: April 13, 2019.
2:30pm. Prof. Markus Luty: The Higgs Boson and the Fundamental Laws of Physics
3:00pm: Prof. Jaroslav Trnka: A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics
Date: April 21, 2018.
The physics department Public talks on Picnic Day 2018 will feature a talk on Stephen Hawking's contributions to the physics of black holes by QMAP's Prof. Mukund Rangamani
Title: Black holes: A Hawkingsian window into the universe
Venue: Roessler Hall 55

The Winston Ko Frontiers of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Public Lecture series:
The inaugural lecture of this series will feature QMAP's Prof. Veronika Hubeny
Title: Illuminating Black Holes
Venue: UC Davis Conference Center
Date: May 9, 2016, 5pm.