The center hosts events of interest both to the scientific community working on related areas, as well as events aimed at explaining the science we explore to a wide audience.
QMAP seminars
There are three weekly seminar series affiliated with QMAP and focused on particular topics:
- QMAP FSG seminar: Thursdays 1:30pm
- QMAP math seminar: Mondays 3:10pm
- QMAP particles/cosmology: Mondays 1:30pm
All in-person seminars take place in the room QMAP 3024, but there are some occasional remote speakers as well.
There are also regular seminar series in the Physics and Mathematics Departments which are of interest. For details please consult:
Events Calendar
QMAP conference
The inaugural QMAP conference, entitled, Recent Developments in Fields, Strings, and Gravity, took place in Dec 2016. Please visit the conference page linked above for details.
QMAP public lectures
QMAP will also organize public lectures to educate the general audience and attract young generation. See the webpage for details.
If you are interested in the technical talks, research seminars etc., you can sign-up to receive announcements at: QMAP mailing list.
For announcements related to the QMAP public lectures etc., you can sign-up at: QMAP Friends mailing list.