To celebrate the establishment of the new Center for Quantum Mathematics and Physics (QMAP) at UC Davis we are hosting a week long conference, which will take place in UC Davis, from December 12 to December 16, 2016.
The general theme of the conference will be focussed on developments in quantum field theories, string theory, and quantum gravity over the past few years. We anticipate covering a wide range of topics of current interest in theoretical physics. The aim is to bring together various experts in these areas to review major advances, and to further progress by stimulating discussions amongst the participants.
The practical details relating to the conference can be found in the sub-pages linked off on the left.
A report of the conference can be found at QMAP's inaugural conferenece.

- Tudor Dimofte
- Sergei Dubovsky
- Veronika Hubeny
- Mukund Rangamani
- Jaroslav Trnka
We would like to thank the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the University of California for their support.