QMAP faculty Prof. Jaroslav Trnka has been awared the 2024 Frontiers of Science award.
Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka have been awarded the 2024 Frontiers of Science award for their 2014 paper The Amplituhedron. For more information about the award please see https://www.icbs.cn/.
QMAP Affiliate Prof. Motohico Mulase has been awarded prestigious FRG grant
Motohico Mulase has been awarded prestigious FRG grant from the NSF on the topic "Complex Lagrangians, Integrable Systems, and Quantization" for years 2022-2025.
QMAP Prof. Mukund Rangamani named Fellow of the ISGRG
Mukund Rangamani has been named a 2022 Fellow of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. Other ISGRG fellows include Stephen Hawking and recent Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne. See the complete list of fellows here.
QMAP postdoc Dr. Shruti Paranjape awarded Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellowship
Shruti Paranjape was awarded UC Davis Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year, see announcement here.
QMAP Prof. Jaroslav Trnka is selected a UC Davis Chancellor's fellow.
Jaroslav Trnka was named 2022 Chancellor's fellow for the "recognition of their outstanding work in academia", see the announcement here.
QMAP Prof. Bruno Nachtergaele wins Humboldt Prize
Bruno Natchtergaele was awarded 2021 Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.
QMAP Prof. Jaroslav Trnka receives Distinguished Teaching Award
Jaroslav Trnka received 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award for Undergraduate Teaching from UC Davis.
QMAP Prof. Jaroslav Trnka wins Henry Primakoff Award from APS
Jaroslav Trnka received 2021 Henry Primakoff Award for Early Career Particle Physicists from American Physical Society (APS) for "For seminal work on the computation of particle scattering amplitudes, including the development of a new mathematical approach, the amplituhedron." More info on APS webpage, see also the university announcement.
QMAP Prof. Jaroslav Trnka receives UC Davis teaching award
Jaroslav Trnka received 2020 Teaching award from UC Davis College of Letters and Sciences for undergraduate education.
QMAP Prof. Veronika Hubeny named Fellow of the ISGRG
Veronika Hubeny has been named a 2019 Fellow of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. Other ISGRG fellows include Stephen Hawking and recent Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne. (More info here)
QMAP members receive grants for Quantum Information Science
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced $218 million in new grants for “Quantum Information Science”. QMAP faculty Profs. Andreas Albrecht, Veronika Hubeny, and Mukund Rangamani are among the recipients; see campus research blog for details.
QMAP space renovations underway

Renovations of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library for the new QMAP center are underway.
Construction started on Oct 10, 2018 and is expected to take about a year to complete. The first stage involves seismic retrofitting of the building followed by renovation of the upper two floors for QMAP, with lots of interaction space for discussions
A timeline and more details about the project can be found on the PSEL library information pages.
Drawings of the QMAP space can be found here [pdf link].
Jaroslav Trnka awarded International Particle Physics Prize
QMAP faculty member, Prof. Jaroslav Trnka was awarded the Young Scientist Prize in Particles and Fields by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) “For the discovery and exploration of new physical and mathematical principles underlying the dynamics of particle scattering amplitudes in a wide range of theories.” See press release for more details. Prof. Trnka will receive the prize and give a plenary talk at the International Congress of High Energy Physics (ICHEP) in Seoul. Congratulations!
Tudor Dimofte received NSF CAREER Award
QMAP faculty member, Prof. Tudor Dimofte received CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for his proposal "The Algebraic Structures of Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories". See more details on his winning proposal here. Congratulations!
Jaroslav Trnka wins UC Davis Innovation and Creative Vision Award
QMAP faculty member, Prof. Jaroslav Trnka was awarded the UC Davis Innovation and Creative Vision Award for 2018. See the College of Letters and Science press release and the UC Davis announcement. Congratulations!
QMAP External Advisory Board constituted
The QMAP External Advisory Board (EAB) has now officially formed, and consists of the following distinguished scientists:
- Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf (IAS, Princeton)
- Prof. David Gross (KITP, UCSB)
- Prof. Andrei Okounkov (Columbia)
- Prof. Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech)
- Prof. Eva Silverstein (Stanford)
- Prof. Edward Witten (IAS, Princeton)
Profs. Dijkgraaf and Gross have kindly agreed to be co-chairs for the EAB.
Summer school Amplitudes 2018
QMAP will host a Amplitudes 2018 Summer School on June 11-15, 2018. The school is aimed at graduate students and junior postdocs who want to learn about this fast developing field of theoretical physics. The school is followed by the annual conference Amplitudes 2018 held at SLAC in June 18-22, 2018.
Albert Schwarz named AMS fellow
Albert Schwarz has been named a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society for his contributions in mathematical physics. Congratulations!
First QMAP colloquium
On October 17, 2017 we will have the first QMAP colloquium by Nima Arkani-Hamed from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. See the QMAP colloquium webpage for more information.
QMAP Director
QMAP has now been officially established by the MPS Vice Dean and the Mathematics and Physics Department chairs!
Prof. Andreas Albrecht has been appointed as the inaugural QMAP director.
QMAP Conference Success
The inaugural conference organized by the founding members of QMAP, entitled, Recent Developments in Fields, Strings, and Gravity was an extremely successful. There was a wide spectrum of great talks, and lots of fun discussions. A report of the conference can be found at QMAP's inaugural conference report.