
You can register and submit your title and abstract by filling out this Google form before the registration deadline of March 7.

In order to save your progress on the form and modify your responses later, please sign into a Google account or select the "Send me a copy of my responses" option, which will send you a link through which you can edit your submission.

If you are a PhD student, be sure to answer "Yes" to the "Are you a student?" question when registering. You will then be considered for the Student Talk Prize awarded for the best presentation given by a graduate student. This prize is sponsored by DGRAV, the Division of Gravitational Physics of the American Physical Society; criteria for the award can be found here.

Please note that PCGM has grown to the point where we can no longer promise to accommodate all requests to speak.  To receive full consideration, please submit your title and abstract by the registration deadline of March 7; late applications will be considered at the discretion of the organizers.  Priority will be given to talks by graduate students and postdocs.